We maintain a larger staff than most security companies for one reason—YOU. Our goal is to provide the best customer service, the fastest officer response time, and the highest level of safekeeping possible. And we’re confident you’ll agree that no one does it better.
Our success is due in part to a focused approach. Rather than offer many services that spread us thin, we focus on doing a few things well. It begins with a customized security plan that is specifically designed to protect your assets and maintain a secure environment. This includes:
We have a multi-tiered approach to make sure your site is receiving the highest service possible:
Managers for Operations and Scheduling
Customer Care Specialists for working directly with clients in creating tailored post instructions and training onsite officers
Field Supervisors for random site inspections, evaluations, assisting with any issues and training onsite officers
Site Supervisors for delivering targeted supervision of a location and working with clients on a daily basis to maintain the highest levels of service
Electronic daily logs, incident reports, and round system with GPS verification
Client has 24/7 access to all reports